The 2019 Vitality Goalden Globe Awards took place on Saturday afternoon as England Netball recognised and celebrated the fantastic contributions of our incredible volunteers.
Set in the picturesque St. George’s Hall, the event had a Vitality Netball World Cup flavour with the each table named after a legend of the game.
Vitality Roses Kadeen and Sasha Corbin were also in attendance to hand out awards to the deserving recipients.
The first award was the National Long Service Award, given to those who have given selfless and outstanding service of 25 years or more by way of administration, coaching or umpiring.
The deserving winners were Claire Daly, Dawn Heron, Jane Hadfield, Jayne Bell, Jean Davies, Linda Andrews, Margaret Warren, Syd Smailes, Mary Kilby, Val Sanders, Mary Slade, Barbara Verlander, Jan Burke and Carol Shaughnassy.
Jayne Bell commented: “It feels wonderful. I’ve been so passionate about netball and it’s just so nice to be recognised for it.”
The focus then switched to recognising those on the start of their netball journey as the Pass on your Passion Awards for young volunteers who have achieved the highly prestigious 400 hours of service all within a two-year period were handed out. There were five recipients: Tyler-Sue Chapman, Mia Kersey, Libby Hill, Abbie Thompson and Megan Fey.
The winner of the Young Netball Volunteer was Issy Cottrell who is part of the junior coaching team at Dronfield Netball Club and supports a group of Young Leaders. She was also involved in a Special Educational Needs and Disability Programme at her school.
When asked what inspires her to volunteer, Issy said: “I only do what I do because I see the benefit that other people get from it, so volunteering, it’s not for yourself it’s for everyone that you do it for and the coaching sessions that I lead and especially the inclusive ones, you see how much they get out of it. I know how much I love netball, so if I can give that to other people then it’s perfect.”
Phoenix Netball Club took home the Outstanding Netball Club Award because of the impact it has on its individual club members, local and regional netball. In 2018, the club trained two Level 1 coaches, ten First Aiders and five umpires.
The Mary Bulloch Administrator Award was won by Dawn Cox. Dawn organises an annual tournament in memory of a committee member who passed away. This provides many opportunities for volunteering and has raised over £28,000 to date.
Jacqui Berry picked up the Muriel McNally Grassroots Award for her work encouraging junior and adult players to participate in netball for over 30 years. Jacqui administrates the entire club and also runs a “Back to Netball” session once a week.
Rosie Harris collected the Grassroots Coach Award for her excellent work in setting up the Junior Coach programme at Wilmslow Lightning NC. There are 10 junior coaches at the club, and more being inspired to join the programme through Rosie’s hard work.
Rosie commented: “It’s just amazing, absolutely amazing. I’m very humbled because everybody does so much hard work for England Netball and grassroots coaching. I know lots and lots of people that put loads of work in so to actually be presented with this is a privilege, an absolutely privilege.”
Next up was the Sheelagh Redpath Grassroots Official Award with Hazel Nicholls picking up the trophy following her great work with a number of club players at Paulton Rovers Netball Club mentoring them in preparation for their B Award, C Award and encouraging players to pick up a whistle and to give umpiring a go for the first time.
After establishing netball leagues for the Poole and East Dorset area and training sixth form students to act as officials, umpires and sports leaders, Hayley McCalister was rewarded for her fabulous work as she collected the Teacher Award.
The winner of the Unsung Hero Award was Ruksana Moress after her amazing efforts delivering Back to Netball sessions for 10 years to over 150 women from disadvantaged areas.
Shaharun Nessa, Star Netball Club and Helen Thorneloe received the Inclusion and Diversity Award for providing an inclusive environment or programme and being proactive in providing a discrimination free environment.
The 2019 National Rose Award was presented to Molly Rhone, Sheelagh Redpath and Brian Worrell and Imogen Greatbatch for their exceptional contributions to netball within the last 12 months.
Oldham Netball Club picked up a Special Award after 2018/19 was their most successful season to date, thanks to their national dominance in a number of different age groups.
The event was capped off with England Netball welcoming three new Honorary Life Members in Gloria Keech, Angela Hoyle and Kath Edwards.
England Netball would like to thank all of our incredible volunteers for your selfless and tireless work in supporting the growth and development of our wonderful sport – we couldn’t do it without you!