The weekend is here! And you know what that means…Fresh Idea Friday.
You may have read in our Top 10 post yesterday that we are in the midst of travelling around the country bringing Make the Game Live on the road. One of the messages that we are keen to share with you is to ensure that you really understand what you are trying to achieve with each practice you do. It is not beneficial to your development as a coach, nor to your players if you lift a practice from another coach’s session, book, or website and replicate it move for move.

So this week we are keeping it simple. We want to highlight how something simple can be extremely versatile, and with that it can become extremely complex. This week (and every week) we want you to challenge yourself to develop, progress and adapt. Ensure it is relevant to the focus of your training session. It is a fab warm up game and enables plenty of decision making opportunities for the players.

  • Two teams of 4-5 players
  • One team begins with possession of the ball & aims to make 5 successive passes in order to score a point. Ball should then be handed to opposition.
  • Opposition aims to force a turnover to gain possession & then aims to complete 5 passes in order to score a point.
  • Change of possession occurs when opposition intercept the ball, the ball goes out of play or attacking team scores a point.

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  1. Netball specific rules
  2. Double points if a designated player receives a pass
  3. Reduce the number of defenders
  4. Start with no defenders. After 5 successful passes, one defender enters, after another 5 successful passes another defender enters until all defenders are in the game.  Vary the scoring in this game. Eg if attackers lose possession their score is the number of defenders in at that moment; if attackers lose possession a defender leaves and they build up again, or the attackers lose possession all defenders leave and they completely start again


Create your own variations, progress and add to this game. You can also take a look at the Top 10 (click here) where we mention ‘STEPS’ to help you remember a variety of ways to increase/decrease intensity.

We hope that you’ve now got your creative coach hat on and have fun making 5 passes your own. As always, if you put this into one of your sessions, let us know how it goes, on Twitter (click here) @ENCoaching_ .

Have a fantastic weekend all!

Team Coaching


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