You may have heard on the grapevine about our brand new, fantastic programme, Walking Netball… a variation of the game that enables even more women to take part in our great game.  We are so pleased to be in the process of developing training for the delivery of this to support coaches to deliver the best sessions EVER!  If you’re keen to be involved, watch this space, we will be sharing training dates and opportunities over the next few weeks.
Over the past couple of weeks, we have been talking to lots of coaches about Walking Netball and getting their input on what activities would be great for this group.  Today’s Fresh Idea Friday is a warm up suggestion from one of our coaches, with Walking Netball in mind but with a few adaptations we think it is fun one to do with any ability group. A gentle warm-up is vital and should be relevant to the group and activity focus of the session.


  • Players should start stood around the circle edge with one feeder under the post.
  • If you send them a chest pass they have to clap once before they catch it.
  • If they are not successful in clapping in time, drop the ball, or clap when its not their turn, they must walk to the centre circle and back as a forfeit.
  • Once players become good at the chest pass, you can add in a bounce pass, where they must clap twice before they catch it.
  • The same rules apply for a chest pass & same forfeit as above.

This game is great for warming up your players mental skills!

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Remember! Progress, Adapt…

  • If you are not coaching walking netball, why not introduce that they sprint to the centre circle and back?
  • You can introduce some competition by allocating points to players; they can get a point for each time they are successful and deduct a point for each time they are not. This also places the importance on speed getting to and from the centre circle as the longer they take the less opportunity they have to score more points.
  • You can say the first player to 10 wins or add a time limit, which introduces another element of intensity at which players work to score as many points as possible within this time.
  • If you have a large group, make sure you split the group into smaller sub-groups so that all players are regularly getting ball in hand and engaged in the game.

If you take this game into your session do let us know what adaptations you make @ENCoaching_

And make sure that you keep an eye out over the next few weeks for more exciting information on Walking Netball, especially if this is something that you would enjoy delivering.

Have a fantastic weekend coaches!

Team Coaching


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