Yippee, another weekend is in sight! But with it we are a week closer to the end of the Netball season. (Boo.) However a couple weeks still remain and again we ask, what wins matches?

If you saw the Liverpool FC game last night you will have seen they kept going to the very final moments to win the game in extra time. We want to see this in our Netballers, always encourage your players to keep giving their all, right to the final whistle. Just like the great Storm versus Thunder final in 2014, where Housby shot in the last seconds and won the game.  Lets invoke this within our players and get them to bring that mentality and focus to every game.

Following last week’s Fresh Idea from Natalie on Through Court Attack, this week we spoke to Denise Ellis. The National Academy Assistant Coach shares with us some fun games to explore getting free on 1st phase of centre pass. These can be used with a variety of ages and abilities. For all games, you can split your group into smaller groups and set up the practice in each third.


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  1. Have control of the ball after a goal.
  2. Early communication. Eye contact.
  3. Prepare before the whistle.
  4. Variety of set ups.
  5. Only one over the line.
  6. When trying to get free – Two moves and clear out
  7. Take ball close to the line and not too wide
  8. WA/GA read off of each other to provide 1st and 2nd option
  9. GD/WD one to provide driver as an option other to be back up.
  10. On 2nd phase try and gain depth.

Warm Up Game

  • In one third make three gates in a triangle formation.
  • An attacker and defender start in the middle.
  • The aim is for the attacker to get through the gate before the defender, so that the defender cannot tag them.
  • The defender can only tag them as they go through the gate.
  • The attacker must not run straight to gate but make a move to one gate first and then try and get through a gate.
  • Allow each player 3 goes, swap roles, 1 point for every successful gate.
  • We suggest setting it up as 3 metres on a diagonal (however depending on your player abilities and your focus, you can increase/decrease space).
  • Players can only tag when going through the gate.


You can use a bib as a tail and the defender must get the tail as opposed to tagging the attacking player. This practice can be done at all levels and is lots of fun.

Game 1

  • Two rows, one of attackers, one of defenders.
  • One attacker and one defender start behind the transverse line.
  • On the whistle the attacker tries to get over the line and to one of the cones.
  • The cones are worth different points.
  • Blue cones worth 2 points as these are near to where we would ideally want first phase ball to land. Orange cones worth 1 point as further away and wider.
  • The idea is to pick up the cone and gain the most points.
  • Each player has 3 goes and adds up their points then swap roles.

N.B. You can work both ends of the court if a large group.  Cones need to be stand up soft sponge cones, or something similar such as water bottles.


  • Change position of the defender to start over the line (like a C).
  • Add both defenders.

Game 2

 As the above game but add a ball and spots / gates.

  • Feeder in circle as for centre pass.
  • Attacker starts behind line and tries to come over the line and through the gates.
  • On whistle Feeder sends ball.
  • Each player has 3 goes and adds up their points, then swap roles.
  • Attackers only score if they successfully go through the gate and receive the ball.
  • The gates are positioned and points awarded based on the ideal place to receive the ball in a game. (Blue: 2 points, Orange: 1 point)


Have a happy weekend Coaches and if you are a England Netball member don’t forget, you can now stream this weekend’s Vitality Superleague matches on Saturday:

4pm Celtic Dragons v Yorkshire Jets

7pm Surrey Storm v Manchester Thunder

All you need is your affiliation number (which you will have received on your membership card in April’s magazine) Click Here

Why not share with your players, ask them to focus on how the Superleague athletes bring to life the key principles of Centre Pass Attack?

Team Coaching


Previous Story Top 10 on the 10th – End of Season / Off Season
Next Story Consolidating Centre Pass Defence

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