I’m a netball Parent or Carer

England Netball knows how important parents and carers are to their children’s involvement in netball. From providing lifts, encouraging fair play, supporting them after a win or a loss; your response to their play, their development and their limits, successes and challenges all have a significant impact on how your child and their team mates, respond to the challenges of competitive sport.

Below is some guidance on how you can be the best supporter for your child and the club, how to find a safe club and respond to safeguarding or poor practice concerns.


Netball should be fun, safe, and include everyone.


Coaches should all be appropriately skilled and have had DBS checks to help you play the best netball you can. For more information on what we expect from our Coaches here: England Netball | I’m a netball Coach

Volunteers working at the club will have been trained and DBS checked. Clubs with under 18 players or adults at risk should have a Safeguarding or Welfare Officer and policies in place to make sure people are safe. You could consider volunteering in netball yourself – more info here: England Netball | Volunteering

Communication – the best clubs communicate with you as much as possible, seek the views of players and regularly share information about safeguarding issues. Clubs should encourage people from all backgrounds to take part.

Safety – England Netball has Safeguarding Policies for Children and Young People and Adults, a Reporting Procedure and other Guidance, which helps clubs provide the best netball experience possible. You can see these documents here: England Netball | Safeguarding Policies and Guidance. Clubs must have their own safeguarding policy too.


Training sessions – does the coach consider player injuries and wider welfare? Is everyone included? Does it feel like a supportive team? Are people encouraged to improve without being punished or ridiculed. Are successes celebrated? Does everyone have a chance?

Environment – are people encouraged to speak out if someone does something bad (even if it is the coach)? Does it feel ok to speak out? Some useful sites on this subject here:

When it could be safer – banter that makes someone feel uncomfortable isn’t challenged. If someone makes a mistake, the other players or (worse) the coach is angry or shouts. The club or coach put too much pressure on players to be perfect – always pushing them on exercise, diet or weight? The coach is like a ‘god’ – people are afraid to challenge how they do things for fear of not getting on the team or of other players reactions.



England Netball has Codes of Conduct which includes parents and carers Codes-of-conduct.pdf

Behaviour – clubs should give clear messages on how they expect everyone to behave, this may be in the form of a Code of Conduct.

Respect for the rules and for each other – you should treat umpires, coaches, other volunteers and all players with respect.

Support your child in the best way – remember it is their sport, not yours. Sport should be fun. This 3 minute video is a good watch My Magic Sports Kit (youtube.com)



1) Do something about it

Your CLUB SAFEGUARDING or WELFARE OFFICER is usually your first port of call. They can then give advice, and inform police, social services or England Netball Safeguarding team as appropriate.

The NSPCC provide some advice here:

Speaking out in Sport – An animation for parents with children in sport NSPCC | CPSU

You can also talk to someone at England Netball, by calling 01509 277911  or email: besafe@englandnetball.co.uk or complete this online form England Netball | Reporting a Safeguarding Concern

Or call Childline on 0800 1111, Police or Children’s Services.

2) Seek advice.

If you want to read more – please visit our Safeguarding for Clubs page or Safeguarding Policies and Guidance or there are polices and guidance relevant to parents and carers below.

There is also information including useful websites for children and young people and adults at risk on these pages: England Netball | I’m a Child or Young Person and England Netball | I’m an adult with care and support needs

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