Entry for one of England Netball’s favourite tournaments of the year is now open!
The Marion Smith Netball Competition for people with a learning disability will this year be played at the Derby Arena in June.
England Netball are also delighted to confirm that this year’s competition will be our second in a row in association with Special Olympics Great Britain.
The competition will take place on Saturday 11th June and the entry is now open for all teams. Download your Entry Form now.
Entry Conditions:
There is an entry fee of £20.00 for England Netball affiliated teams and £35.00 for non-affiliated teams, which is a contribution towards the running costs of the event.
All cheques should be made payable to England Netball.
The Competition and Events department must receive your completed application form, together with your payment, no later than Friday 13th May 2016. We cannot guarantee any entries received after this date will be accommodated.
Read the regulations for the 2016 Marion Smith Netball Competition.
Entries should be returned to Olivia Hewitt, England Netball, Competition and Events department, 1-12 Old Park Road, Hitchin, SG5 2JR.
If you have any queries about the competition please contact olivia.hewitt@englandnetball.co.uk