I’m off to Walking Netball, because it really is good fun,
The hardest thing is walking and remembering not to run.
A great way of keeping fit, of which we’re told we aught,
As several of us, all getting on, whizz around the court.
An important rule, lest we forget, is keep one foot upon the floor,
This is, as we are warned, the most important walking netball law.
We mustn’t jump, or, the opposing team, impede.
And at all times, remember, ref’s shrill whistle to heed .
Sadly I fell over, leaving me oh so sore,
Yet I enjoy the game greatly, so I’m coming back for more.
The hour session, just goes flying by, leaving us all with a smile,
As we walk, valiantly, around the court, mile on mile.
Some onlookers, if being unkind, may complain we look uncouth,
But girls do we care? No, we do not, let them revel in their youth.
It’s off we trot, at the end of the match, with promises to return,
We’re the Women Institute Walking Netball team, and it’s the proper rules we’ll learn.
Annie Smith
Bognor Regis WI
Feeling inspired to give it a go? Find your nearest session now.
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