School Games Organisers

Welcome to Bee, delivered by England Netball. This page provides everything you need as either a teacher or a School Games Organiser to deliver great Bee netball within your school.

Bee is for all primary aged children in both key stage 1 & key stage 2. It helps children enjoy being active and progress whilst both learning and playing the game.

Bee proactively supports the social development of children and our ‘Beeliefs’ enables key skills and character traits to be at the forefront of activity, whilst learning the skills of the game.

Click here to download our ‘Fly through’ a one-page explainer of all things Bee

We have produced a short video to introduce you to our formats and purpose which you can watch below. 

How can we deliver Bee Netball in our school?

Any primary school can deliver Bee within the curriculum and/or as part of the wider school programme. Bee is the ultimate team sport and has many benefits to your school’s pupils.

Bee Netball can also be held as a lunch or after school activity for children keen to be with their friends, practice their skills and super charge their team work. We have simplified rules for Year 3 & 4 here and Year 5 & 6 here.

We know lots of school playgrounds already have netball lines marked on them, but if your school doesn’t have lines or hasn’t got netball posts just yet, it doesn’t mean your pupils can’t enjoy Bee Netball.

What makes Bee, particularly special is at the heart of everything are the ‘Beeliefs’. These can be used within any Bee activity at your school, but also across your whole school if you think they will help.

Here is a downloadable poster for schools to use


Resources for Teachers and School Games Organisers

Below is a bank of resources for teachers and SGO’s. We will add to this bank as the year goes on so check back each term for any new resources.

We’ve worked with Youth Sport Trust, School Games Organisers, Teachers and young people to design them and you can download and deliver today!

You can access more School Games content and resources via the School Games portal here

Below you can find competition resources to support inter and intra school competition.

Year 3/4 playing format download here

Year 5/6 playing format download here

Reflection posters and cards:

We have a unique ‘Review and Reflect’ resource within Bee Netball to help power personal and social development.

Download our top tips on using ‘Review and Reflect’ resource here.

A4 Wall poster ‘Review and Reflect’ resource

A5 Wall poster ‘Review and Reflect’ resource

Bee Netball has some simple rules and this resource helps teachers and SGO’s understand the do’s and don’ts.

Year 3 & 4 Simplified rules download here

Year 5 & 6 Simplified rules download here

To help children develop all round invasion skills, they rotate positions during games.

Year 5 & 6 Rotation resource download here

Year 3 & 4 Optional rotation resource download here

Ideas to help adapt scoring to support all children download here

If you are looking for club netball for any of your pupils you can access our club finder here.

To support teachers, we have developed a programme of activity for upper and lower Key Stage 2 which will complement existing schemes of work you have already for either netball specific or invasion games. Content coming soon

Reflection posters and cards:

We have a unique ‘Review and Reflect’ resource within Bee Netball to help power personal and social development.

Download our top tips on using ‘Review and Reflect’ resource here.

A4 Wall poster ‘Review and Reflect’ resource

A5 Wall poster ‘Review and Reflect’ resource


Beeliefs Poster download here

To support your delivery, we have created an online Bee Store where you can access balls, bibs, everything you need in a one stop shop. You can purchase individual items or a bespoke schools pack. Click on the link here to create an account and happy shopping!

Bee Netball Store | Home Page (

The Bee Netball rules made easy

Bee Netball can be pretty straight forward. Here is your guide to the rules.

The rules of Bee Netball are in place to support children to learn the game, rather than limit the playing of the game.

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