Take your place on England Netball board

Do you want to make a difference by leading England Netball into an exciting new era?

England Netball is committed to an innovative and progressive strategy ‘Your Game Your Way’ where the participant is at the heart of everything England Netball does.  This strategy is transforming the sport, enabling growth, retention and a smooth transition through the different stages of a participant’s journey with the game, whether casual players or elite athletes.

It has already resulted in over 180,000 women participating in netball on a weekly basis, with England Netball membership exceeding 100,000 for the first time in 2016/17.

England Netball is about to embark on the next stage of its progression, moving to a new Head Office at Loughborough SportPark and challenging itself to become commercially sustainable, whilst continuing to facilitate growth in participation, increasing the sports profile and succeeding at the elite level.

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England Netball is now seeking nominations from its members to serve on the Board.  As a Non-Executive Director, you will help cement England Netball’s position as a top-performing NGB, driving the ‘Your Game Your Way’ strategy and ensure that the elite squad is equipped to win the Netball World Cup on home soil in 2019.

We would welcome individuals that bring strategic leadership and breadth of commercial experience at a senior level. England Netball is strongly committed to having Directors who reflect the community and welcome candidates from all backgrounds, particularly those from any under-represented groups.

If you wish to be considered for election to the Board as a Non-Executive Director and you are a member of England Netball, please read the information provided and complete all three parts of the Elected Director Application Form and return it (marked Private and Confidential) to Naresh Mistry, Company Secretary at England Netball 1-12 Old Park Road, Hitchin Herts SG5 2JR or email companysecretary@englandnetball.co.uk  to arrive no later than 5 p.m. on 17th July 2017.


Non-Executive Directors are accountable to the Members and responsible for using their skills and experience to help England Netball achieve its aims.  Non-Executive Directors make decisions and work collectively as a team know as The Board.  England Netball have defined that The Board is collectively responsible for:

  • Custodians: To act, on behalf of the members, as custodians of the values, history and heritage of the game.
  • Leadership:
    • To act as a catalyst to high quality thinking on the strategy; constructively challenging, asking good questions, feeding in insights from other sources, but also trusting the expertise in the team
    • To help create an environment conducive to high achievement; clarity of focus, ambition with stretching goals and high standards, effective strategy, empowerment, accountability and teamwork
    • To give people in the sport a voice in the leadership of Netball; to bring ideas and issues back to the Board and to the staff team
    • To help engage the sport and key partners behind this direction; to act as an ambassador for the vision and strategy
  • Governance:
    • Accept ultimate responsibility for the sport and the organisation
    • Ensure the sport and business operates in an ethical way
    • Protect the future of the sport and the Governing body
  • To make decisions of strategic importance:
    • On the strategy
    • On policy
    • On business management
  • Monitor performance against the agreed plans; which links to the above point on performance environment.
  • Specific management responsibility for:
    • The Chief Executive Officer
    • Finances and other statutory responsibilities as a company limited by guarantee

All nominees for the role of Non-Executive Director should be motivated by the opportunity to lead England Netball into a new era of further growth and success. They should be visionary; fully committed to promoting the mission and goals of England Netball and embody England Netball’s raison d’être and embrace and uphold the core values of the NGB and the sport as a whole, namely:

  • NGB: Leadership, Excellence, Participant Focused and Integrity
  • Sport as a whole: Respect, Teamwork, Achievement and Fun

Specifically, Non-Executive Directors will possess:

  • Strategic leadership skills. The ability to establish strategies and guide their implementation.
  • Decision-making skills. The relevant knowledge and experience for England Netball to be able to make informed decisions on a variety of matters.
  • A willingness and ability to challenge and probe. The ability to discuss and debate and to constructively challenge ideas and decisions where necessary.
  • Strong interpersonal skills. The ability to form good working relationships both within and outside the Board.
  • A clear understanding of the role of the Board and its relationship with the Association’s management team.
  • Board Members must commit to:
  • Preparing and attending six Board meetings per annum (dates agreed in advance and may include either week days or weekends) and induction and training days as agreed by the Board itself (these may be either week days or weekends).
  • Participating and in some cases chairing Committees and Advisory Forums where necessary
  • Carrying out the ambassador role at events, games and member gatherings including the AGM.
  • Being contactable during office hours and the preferred mode for communicating documentation is via email.

The Non-Executive Director role is a voluntary position. Expenses incurred will be reimbursed

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