The U15 and U17 National Club Cup is taking place on Saturday 18 and Sunday 19 December 2021 and 12th and 13th February 2022, allowing athletes who missed out last season to have their chance to compete on the national stage.
The competition will work on a regional basis, with the Midlands and North U15 and U17 teams competing across Saturday 18 December 2021 (U15 teams) and Sunday 19 December 2021 (U17 teams), while the South U15 and U17 teams will compete across Saturday 12th 2022 (U15 teams) and Sunday 13th February 2022 (U17 teams). The matches will be held at the following venues:
EIS Sheffield – for teams from North East, North West and Yorkshire regions
David Ross Sports Village, University of Nottingham – for teams from East Midlands, West Midlands and East regions
University of Warwick – for teams from the Southern regions